9 de noviembre de 2016

The myth of Persephone

The myth of Persephone has always intrigued me the most... Since I knew that she ate those six pomegranate seeds, I suspected that it was a deliberate and purposeful act on her part. But when I learnt that she lied to Demeter about the seeds that Hades gave her and that she ate willingly before leaving the otherworld with Hermes, I had no doubt about it. Persephone calls to see out the other side... The story of her abduction and rape is a story about fear and shame told to women so that they do not succumb to the curiosity and desire about the step outline of what stands as rational in a patriarchal society... the play-within-the-play... the world underneath the hollow hills... the world at the other side of the hedge... the otherworld. The outline of love where the heart leads... fools, of course. Hades is the love of her life, and they rescue each other into a world of their own, an alchemical universe they give birth to and that is unique, magical and miraculous, where to write their own story, to found their own culture and to grow their own life. The otherworld is their realm, which was obviously banned and cursed by those same ones who were not able to hold them apart. And their true love is as epic as sinful... just decide which six pomegranate seeds out of twelve you want to ponder and pour... and dare to see if the cup is half empty or half full. #poststructuralism #postmodernism #rewritingstories #rereading #retelling #redrawing

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