30 de noviembre de 2016

Deer Spirit, shamanism and kawsay


Deer walks softly on the Earth and is extremely sensitive to her energy and conditions. They are therefore masters of kinesthesia—the finely attuned state of bio-perception. The legs and hooves of the deer are designed to receive the raw, vital life force of the Earth into their physical bodies to make it compatible with the celestial energy from the Sky above. In this sense, they are a conduit of what is known in Peruvian shamanism as kawsay
Shamanka, meaning a woman shaman with deer skin, is a word in the Russian language of early explorers of Siberia. Actually shaman is a Western corruption of samaan or s’amanthe, a word from the Siberian Evenki (previously known as the Tungus people) and referring to the tribal spiritual healer. The word for a woman shaman was udagan (or variations such as utagan, ubakan, utygan or utugun). This word probably originates from the Mongolian word Etugen (Etügen Ekh "Mother Earth", also transliterated variously as Etügen Ekhe, Etügen Eke ot Itügen), which is the name of the ancient hearth-goddess.

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